Simple pricing, start for free and upgrade anytime.

Get access to all the new features of Colorffy. Cancel anytime. Price in USD




For developers, designers, and color lovers building simple apps or projects.




For individuals who need more solutions and features to build and grow their projects.


Compare plans and features

Plans FreeForever Get started for free Pro$5/month Get PRO
Content & Tools
Access to all tools
Access to featured gradients / palettes
Access to all gradients / palettes content
Filter and search results
Early access to new tools & features
Apps token gradient code New
More layouts for palette from image tool New
Create & save gradients Unlimited Unlimited
Create & save palettes Unlimited Unlimited
Like your favorites gradients & palettes
Copy colors to clipboard
Remove ads
Custom gradients wallpapers
Export your colors to .json, .css, .csv
Export color conversions tables to .csv
Export your dark theme generator colors to .css, and .csv New
Collections New Up to 3 collections Unlimited
Help center
Discord community New
Dedicated email support
Support an independent developer


Frequently asked questions

What is Colorffy?

Colorffy is the easiest CSS color generator. We are one of the most intuitive tools to generate CSS-ready gradients, palettes, dark themes, color schemes, and more!

How often do you upload new colors?

Commonly, we upload and update new colors every week, sometimes every two weeks. But you can still see and like all the current colors or add your favorites to a collection.

Is there a free plan?

Yes! We do have a free plan. The free plan allows you to use the basic functionality of Colorffy, like all the tools, to create and save unlimited gradients & palettes.

Can I cancel my Colorffy Pro subscription at any time?

Yes, you can cancel or pause your subscription after the purchase. Go to your profile, select "Subscription," and cancel your account on the Stripe panel.

If you're in the middle of a subscription, it will be canceled until the ongoing period ends.

Is the payment secure?

Yes, all the payments are powered and secure by Stripe Checkout. It is a hosted payment page by Stripe.

Submit feedback

We'd love to hear from you, tell us what you think about Colorffy, and what we can improve.

What's your suggestion? 💡


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Sign up to save and like your color palettes, gradients, and more.

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Upgrade to Pro and unlock more features.

Trusted and used by designers and developers from companies around the world.

.css.csv.json.jpg.png.svgapp tokenshdr colors

Create. Export. Build faster.

Get access to more export file formats, app tokens, remove ads, unlimited collections, and more.

  • Unlimited collections

  • Export Dark Theme to .css, and .csv

  • App colors tokens

  • Early access to new tools & features

  • Export to multiple formats (.json, .css, .csv)

  • Export colors as images (.jpeg, .png, .svg)

  • Remove ads

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