Color scheme generator

Generate a perfectly harmonized color scheme with our Color Scheme Generator. Generate fancy color shades, tints, triadic color palettes, and more color combinations.






rgb(3, 169, 244)


hsl(199, 98%, 48%)


hwb(199 1% 4%)


hsv 199°, 99%, 96%


cmyk 99%, 31%, 0%, 4%


lab 64.92, -16.66, -48.41


lch(64.92% 51.2 251.01)


xyz 28.26, 33.95, 68.46


Pantone 2925C

Tip: Press SPACE to generate a random color

Mixing colors


Shades of #03a9f4

The color shades scheme is a group of colors that are variations of a single hue,
with different levels of lightness and darkness. This scheme creates a cohesive and subtle look.

















Tints of #03a9f4

The color tints scheme is a group of colors that are variations of a single hue,
with added white to create a lighter and more delicate look.

















Tones of #03a9f4

The color tones scheme is a group of colors that are variations of a single hue,
with added gray to create a muted and softer look.

















Harmony colors

Complementary scheme

The complementary color scheme is a group of colors that are
opposite each other on the color wheel, creating a bold and high-contrast look.

Complementary - 100


Analogous scheme

The analogous color scheme is a group of colors that are
next to each other on the color wheel and have a harmonious, cohesive look.

Analogous - 100


Analogous - 200


Analogous - 300


Analogous - 400


Analogous - 500


Monochromatic scheme

The monochromatic color scheme is a group of colors that are
variations of a single hue, creating a cohesive and subtle look.

Monochromatic - 100


Monochromatic - 200


Monochromatic - 300


Monochromatic - 400


Monochromatic - 500


Split Complementary scheme

The split complementary color scheme is a group of colors that
consists of a base color and the two colors directly adjacent to its complement.
This scheme creates a vibrant and dynamic look.

Split - 100


Split - 200


Triadic scheme

The triadic color scheme is a group of colors that are
evenly spaced around the color wheel, creating a vibrant and balanced look.

Triad - 100


Triad - 200


Tetradic scheme

The tetradic color scheme is a group of four colors that are
arranged into two complementary pairs. This scheme creates a bold and dynamic look.

Tetrad - 100


Tetrad - 200


Tetrad - 300
