Color scheme generator ļ„FEATURED
Generate a perfectly harmonized color scheme with our Color Scheme Generator. Generate fancy color shades, tints, triadic color palettes, and more color combinations.
rgb(67% 65% 45%)
oklab(72% -0.01 0.07)
oklch(72% 0.07 100)
P3 New
color(display-p3 0.67 0.65 0.48)
rgb(172, 166, 116)
hsl(54 25% 56%)
hwb(54 45% 33%)
color(--hsv 54 33% 67%)
cmyk 0%, 3%, 33%, 33%
lab(67.7 -3.54 26.8)
lch(67.7 27 97.5)
color(xyz-d65 0.338 0.373 0.219)
ī¢ Tip: Press SPACE to generate a random color
ī Click a color block to copy to your clipboard.
Color Variations
View the different color variations generated from the selected color.
Shades of #aca674
Created by adding black to a color, making it darker and more intense.
Tints of #aca674
Created by adding white to a color, making it lighter and softer.
Tones of #aca674
Created by adding gray to a color, reducing its intensity and making it more subdued.
Harmony colors
View the different color harmonies generated from the selected color.
Complementary scheme
Uses two colors opposite each other on the color wheel, creating high contrast and vibrant looks.
Scheme - a0
Analogous scheme
Uses colors that are next to each other on the color wheel, providing a harmonious and pleasing design.
Scheme - a0
Scheme - a20
Scheme - a40
Monochromatic scheme
Uses variations in lightness and saturation of a single color, offering a cohesive and elegant look.
Scheme - a0
Scheme - a20
Scheme - a40
Scheme - a60
Scheme - a80
Split Complementary scheme
Uses a base color and two adjacent colors to its complementary, balancing contrast and harmony.
Scheme - a0
Scheme - a20
Scheme - a40
Triadic scheme
Uses three colors evenly spaced around the color wheel, creating vibrant and balanced designs.
Scheme - a0
Scheme - a20
Scheme - a40
Tetradic scheme
Uses four colors arranged into two complementary pairs, offering rich variety and high contrast.
Scheme - a0
Scheme - a20
Scheme - a40
Scheme - a60
Rectangle scheme
A type of tetradic scheme forming a rectangle on the color wheel with two complementary pairs, providing balanced contrast.
Scheme - a0
Scheme - a20
Scheme - a40
Scheme - a60
Double Split Complementary scheme
Uses two pairs of complementary colors, enhancing diversity and balance without the intensity of a tetradic scheme.
Scheme - a0
Scheme - a20
Scheme - a40
Scheme - a60
Scheme - a80