




UI 4

Colors overview

Color HEX RGB HSL HWB HSV CMYK Pantone (Or similar) Color schemes
#5500f2 rgb(85, 0, 242) hsl(261, 100%, 47%) hwb(261 0% 5%) hsv 261°, 100%, 95% cmyk 65%, 100%, 0%, 5% Pantone 2736C
#3800b0 rgb(56, 0, 176) hsl(259, 100%, 35%) hwb(259 0% 31%) hsv 259°, 100%, 69% cmyk 68%, 100%, 0%, 31% Pantone 2736C
#bb86dc rgb(187, 134, 220) hsl(277, 55%, 69%) hwb(277 53% 14%) hsv 277°, 39%, 86% cmyk 15%, 39%, 0%, 14% Pantone 528C
#fcfcfc rgb(252, 252, 252) hsl(0, 0%, 99%) hwb(0 99% 1%) hsv 0°, 0%, 99% cmyk 0%, 0%, 0%, 1% Pantone 663C
#e0e0e0 rgb(224, 224, 224) hsl(0, 0%, 88%) hwb(0 88% 12%) hsv 0°, 0%, 88% cmyk 0%, 0%, 0%, 12% Pantone 663C

Click a color format to copy to your clipboard.

Contrast checker

Click one color card to view the complete contrast checker tests.

Color blindness

Note: The color blindness filters do not work on some browsers.

Palette examples preview

UI 4

Android color codes

<color name="UI 4_1">#5500f2</color>
<color name="UI 4_2">#3800b0</color>
<color name="UI 4_3">#bb86dc</color>
<color name="UI 4_4">#fcfcfc</color>
<color name="UI 4_5">#e0e0e0</color>

Flutter color codes

const UI 41 = Color(0xFF5500f2);
const UI 42 = Color(0xFF3800b0);
const UI 43 = Color(0xFFbb86dc);
const UI 44 = Color(0xFFfcfcfc);
const UI 45 = Color(0xFFe0e0e0);

UI 4 details



Combination scheme





Fri Mar 15 2019