




Flat 1

Colors overview

Color HEX RGB HSL HWB HSV CMYK Pantone (Or similar) Color schemes
#595959 rgb(89, 89, 89) hsl(0, 0%, 35%) hwb(0 35% 65%) hsv 0°, 0%, 35% cmyk 0%, 0%, 0%, 65% Pantone 425C
#737373 rgb(115, 115, 115) hsl(0, 0%, 45%) hwb(0 45% 55%) hsv 0°, 0%, 45% cmyk 0%, 0%, 0%, 55% Pantone 424C
#45d9e6 rgb(69, 217, 230) hsl(185, 76%, 59%) hwb(185 27% 10%) hsv 185°, 70%, 90% cmyk 70%, 6%, 0%, 10% Pantone 319C
#fff4e8 rgb(255, 244, 232) hsl(31, 100%, 95%) hwb(31 91% 0%) hsv 31°, 9%, 100% cmyk 0%, 4%, 9%, 0% Pantone 663C
#f7ea36 rgb(247, 234, 54) hsl(56, 92%, 59%) hwb(56 21% 3%) hsv 56°, 78%, 97% cmyk 0%, 5%, 78%, 3% Pantone 394C

Click a color format to copy to your clipboard.

Contrast checker

Click one color card to view the complete contrast checker tests.

Color blindness

Note: The color blindness filters do not work on some browsers.

Palette examples preview

Flat 1

Android color codes

<color name="Flat 1_1">#595959</color>
<color name="Flat 1_2">#737373</color>
<color name="Flat 1_3">#45d9e6</color>
<color name="Flat 1_4">#fff4e8</color>
<color name="Flat 1_5">#f7ea36</color>

Flutter color codes

const Flat 11 = Color(0xFF595959);
const Flat 12 = Color(0xFF737373);
const Flat 13 = Color(0xFF45d9e6);
const Flat 14 = Color(0xFFfff4e8);
const Flat 15 = Color(0xFFf7ea36);

Flat 1 details



Combination scheme





Wed Apr 03 2019