




Pink Danio

Colors overview

Color HEX RGB HSL HWB HSV CMYK Pantone (Or similar) Color schemes
#e20248 rgb(226, 2, 72) hsl(341, 98%, 45%) hwb(341 1% 11%) hsv 341°, 99%, 89% cmyk 0%, 99%, 68%, 11% Pantone 192C
#fe79c8 rgb(254, 121, 200) hsl(324, 99%, 74%) hwb(324 47% 0%) hsv 324°, 52%, 100% cmyk 0%, 52%, 21%, 0% Pantone 231C
#fdb7f3 rgb(253, 183, 243) hsl(309, 95%, 85%) hwb(309 72% 1%) hsv 309°, 28%, 99% cmyk 0%, 28%, 4%, 1% Pantone 236C
#fcd47d rgb(252, 212, 125) hsl(41, 95%, 74%) hwb(41 49% 1%) hsv 41°, 50%, 99% cmyk 0%, 16%, 50%, 1% Pantone 1345C
#cd87a1 rgb(205, 135, 161) hsl(338, 41%, 67%) hwb(338 53% 20%) hsv 338°, 34%, 80% cmyk 0%, 34%, 21%, 20% Pantone 507C

Click a color format to copy to your clipboard.

Contrast checker

Click one color card to view the complete contrast checker tests.

Color blindness

Note: The color blindness filters do not work on some browsers.

Palette examples preview

Pink Danio

Android color codes

<color name="Pink Danio_1">#e20248</color>
<color name="Pink Danio_2">#fe79c8</color>
<color name="Pink Danio_3">#fdb7f3</color>
<color name="Pink Danio_4">#fcd47d</color>
<color name="Pink Danio_5">#cd87a1</color>

Flutter color codes

const Pink Danio1 = Color(0xFFe20248);
const Pink Danio2 = Color(0xFFfe79c8);
const Pink Danio3 = Color(0xFFfdb7f3);
const Pink Danio4 = Color(0xFFfcd47d);
const Pink Danio5 = Color(0xFFcd87a1);

Pink Danio details



Combination scheme





Sat Feb 23 2019