UI Palette Generator

Generate a stunning color palette for your website or mobile app's user interface.


Primary color

Your UI primary color




Accent candidates colors

Best options for your primary color, be free to change it for a custom one.

Tip: Press SPACE to generate colors

Click a color block to copy to your clipboard.

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User interface color palettes

Primary tones

Use the primary colors palette to maintain visual consistency and establish a solid brand identity for your website.


Primary - a0


Primary - a20


Primary - a40


Primary - a60


Primary - a80


Primary - a100

Accent tones

Best to enhances the primary colors and highlights interactive elements for a better user experience.


Accent - a0


Accent - a20


Accent - a40


Accent - a60


Accent - a80


Accent - a100

Semantic tones

Use them to convey meaning and provide feedback to users.


Danger - a0


Danger - a20


Danger - a40


Danger - a60


Success - a0


Success - a20


Success - a40


Success - a60


Warning - a0


Warning - a20


Warning - a40


Warning - a60


Info - a0


Info - a20


Info - a40


Info - a60

Neutral tones

Best for UI design foundation, use them for backgrounds, text, and borders.


Neutral - a0


Neutral - a20


Neutral - a40


Neutral - a60


Neutral - a80


Neutral - a100



/** Primary colors */
--clr-primary-a0: #aca674;
--clr-primary-a10: #8d8860;
--clr-primary-a20: #6f6b4d;
--clr-primary-a30: #53503a;
--clr-primary-a40: #383629;
--clr-primary-a50: #1f1e18;

/** Accent colors */
--clr-accent-a0: #c72d17;
--clr-accent-a10: #a42915;
--clr-accent-a20: #822514;
--clr-accent-a30: #611f11;
--clr-accent-a40: #42190e;
--clr-accent-a50: #251107;

/** Danger colors */
--clr-danger-a0: #b41c2b;
--clr-danger-a10: #851d22;
--clr-danger-a20: #581919;
--clr-danger-a30: #2f1310;

/** Success colors */
--clr-success-a0: #009f42;
--clr-success-a10: #167533;
--clr-success-a20: #184d25;
--clr-success-a30: #132916;

/** Warning colors */
--clr-warning-a0: #f0ad4e;
--clr-warning-a10: #af7f3c;
--clr-warning-a20: #71532a;
--clr-warning-a30: #392b19;

/** Info colors */
--clr-info-a0: #388cfa;
--clr-info-a10: #3267b5;
--clr-info-a20: #284475;
--clr-info-a30: #1a253b;

/** Neutral colors */
--clr-neutral-a0: #ffffff;
--clr-neutral-a10: #c6c6c6;
--clr-neutral-a20: #919191;
--clr-neutral-a30: #5e5e5e;
--clr-neutral-a40: #303030;
--clr-neutral-a50: #000000;

 /** Examples */ 
.btn-primary {
 color: var(--clr-primary-a50); 
 background-color: var(--clr-primary-a0); 

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